Monday, May 20, 2013

How to Do a Surfer Haircut

For decades, surfer haircuts have remained in style. Both males and females wear surfer haircuts, which are distinguished by their messy, tousled look. Surfer haircuts are especially popular in the summer, but they can be worn year round. Achieve the "disheveled from the beach" look to make a surfer haircut. Does this Spark an idea?

Dampen the hair by spraying with a water bottle. Avoid soaking the hair, as slightly wet hair is the easiest to cut with scissors. Part the hair in the middle and comb thoroughly to the tips.

Place the hair on the top of the head in a large clip, if the hair extends to or past the shoulders. Cut the bottom hair first, gradually releasing hair from the clip and working your way through the hair from the bottom to top layers.

Make choppy, somewhat haphazard cuts to the hair with scissors. Since surfer hair is messy and disheveled, hair need not be perfectly even. Add layers to the hair by cutting the hair on the top and sides of the head shorter than the hair at the bottom and nape of the neck. For long layers, allow several inches between layers. For shorter, more subtle, layers, allow 1/2 inch between layers.

Brush cut hair from the neck and face. Style by adding a dollop of mousse or gel to your hand and running this product through the hair with the fingers. Mess the hair with the mousse or gel and allow to dry to create a surfer style that will last all day.

How to Make Ancient Roman Jewelry

Roman women were highly regarded throughout the ancient world for their elegance and good taste. Because their clothing was relatively uniform, they distinguished themselves from each other via elaborate, plaited hairstyles and finely crafted, pounded metal jewelry. One of the most recognizable forms of adornment from the Roman world is the snake bracelet. Romans believed that the snakes represented good luck and brought prosperity to wearers. Try making a snake bracelet for yourself and see what kind of luck it brings you. Does this Spark an idea?

Bend the florist's wire in half, but do not crease the bend. The bend should be slightly rounded, and your wire should make a 'V' shape.

Bend each half of the wire towards the other half approximately 1/2" below the first bend. You should now have a triangle in the middle of the wire.

Bend the wire below the triangle so that the two ends now run parallel to one another and create a body for the snake.

Twirl the wires together at the ends to make the snake's tail. You should now have a wire frame for a flat snake.

Wrap the gold foil around the frame, trying not to wrinkle or crease it too much.

Poke the body of the snake all over with the dry pen to create a pattern. You are not drawing on the foil, but instead trying to make it look like pounded metal.

Wrap the snake around your arm so that the head does not touch the tail and you make an open spiral.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

The Best Treatment for Acne Scars

Acne scarring can result from picking or irritating acne pustules and cysts, leading to either skin discolorations or deep "ice pick" scars on the skin. The latter must be treated by a licensed dermatologist in order to remove or reduce their appearance. The former can be treated quickly, effectively, and easily at home. Does this Spark an idea?

Baking Soda Exfoliant

Baking soda makes a wonderful exfoliant, which can both buff off and lift dead skin from the face. Because baking soda is so alkaline, it can exfoliate the skin without the need to scrub or rub it in. All that is needed is to combine baking soda with water until a paste is formed, then massage it gently around the face for 30 seconds. Rinse well with warm water when finished. This can significantly reduce the skin discoloration and light scarring that can be caused by acne.

Lemon Juice Toner

Lemon juice is an acid high in vitamin C which can help fight off free radicals on the skin and increase cell turnover. This can help the skin slough off old cells to reveal new skin underneath, helping to balance out the skin tones on the face. Lemon juice can be used in the undiluted concentration up to three times per day and can be applied to the skin using a cotton ball or a cotton pad or towel. It can be helpful to apply the lemon juice following the baking soda exfoliant in order to receive the greatest benefits and results.

Urine Therapy

Urine is packed full of nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, hormones and antibodies, and is also sterile and hygienic. Although unorthodox, human urine has been used for centuries to treat skin ailments all over the globe. When applied topically to the skin it can dramatically reduce redness and balance out the skin tone. This can increase the results of the baking soda and lemon juice, allowing the skin to repair itself and become smooth and even in texture. Soak a cotton pad or towel in your own fresh urine, and apply it directly to the acne scars.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Rasta Hair Products

Rasta, or Rastafarian, hairstyles often include thick dreadlocks. To maintain this look and keep the hair healthy, you should consider using products specifically made for dreadlocks. With little effort and some care, your Rasta hairstyle will not only look great, it will be healthy. Does this Spark an idea?


Contrary to some beliefs, dreadlocks or Rasta styled hair needs to be washed in order to be healthy and look good. For normal hair (not excessively dry or damaged with split ends), try a moisturizing shampoo that will keep the locs looking healthy and strong. Lockology Mint Medley is a shampoo that combines a blend of spearmint, peppermint and rosemary that soothes as it cleans. It's made from all natural products and promotes hair growth. For kids, consider using Little Locs Lavender for a moisturizing deep cleansing that blends together lavender with other natural products. This shampoo is made to condition and protect your child's locs while keeping them strong and healthy.


Putting wax in your hair may not sound like a great choice, however, Rasta/Dreadlock wax is specifically designed to keep your style moisturized and healthy. Wax products, such as Knotty Boy, are made to hold the locs longer and create a thicker appearance for thinner hair. Because of its thickness and strength, the wax should maintain through warm/hot water washings. The light-colored wax products are great for hair colors like blond and light brown. Knotty Boy also makes a darker wax for darker shades of hair like brunette and black.


Accelerator for Rastafarian hairstyles normally comes in spray form and is designed to keep locs healthy while promoting growth. DreadheadHQ Locking Accelerator is an unscented water-based product that does not leave residue on your hair. (Be careful not to over-spray.) There are no oils, so it does not leave hair greasy or slimy. When used properly, DreadheadHQ Locking Accelerator should tighten up your dreadlocks, giving them a neater appearance.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

My Skin Is Dry After Shaving

Your skin can get dry after shaving for a few different reasons, each of which is easily treatable. Find out what to do if your skin is dry after shaving with help from a talented and experienced makeup artist in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Risha Rox and I'm a makeup artist. Today, I'm going to talk with you about how to combat the dryness that is a result of shaving. Shaving is one of the most common do-it-yourself hair removal systems and plenty of women shave unwanted hair every single day. That can leave you with really dry skin. One of the benefits of shaving which you may not know is that it's a great exfoliator. So that's a good thing, however, you have to find a way to get the moisture back in and also deal with the resultant irritation that can come with shaving. The first step is to use Witch Hazel or some toner or astringent to prevent infection and deal with any abrasions or small nicks and cuts that you may have after shaving. Second you have got to put the moisture back in. I recommend a lightweight oil like Jojoba oil and also a rich thick moisturizer and you should be fine. My name is Risha Rox, and I've just discussed with you how to combat the dryness that's a result of shaving.

How to Cut a Kid's Hair Using Rubber Bands

If you're looking to cut a lot of hair at once, the fastest way to do so is by using rubber bands or hair ties to section off the hair, then cutting above the tie. This quickly gets rid of most of the length before you finish up with styling the child's newly cut hair. If hair is longer than 12 inches, consider donating it to a charity that makes wigs for cancer patients. This way children can learn about charity while taking on a new style. Does this Spark an idea?

Wash and dry the hair. Clean hair is easier to cut.

Part the hair in the center and separate it into four to six sections. Tie a rubber band or hair tie around each section. The more sections you have, the closer to the scalp you will be cutting and the more hair you will take off. If you would still like 4 to 6 inches of hair left, use only one ponytail.

Cut the hair above the rubber bands, as close to the scalp as possible.

Style the remaining hair with scissors to make the style you prefer.


- Leave rubber bands on the hair if you are donating it to charity. Donated hair should not be permed or color-treated.


- Be careful using scissors on a wiggly child's hair. If your child moves around a lot when cutting, try to cut at least 1 inch away from the scalp so as not to accidently hurt them.

How to Make Body Oils with Added Color

Body oils are pricey in the store, salon or spa. Making your own body oils at home is not difficult or time-consuming. It can be a little messy, so prepare the oils in the kitchen where it's easy to clean up. Adding essential oils to the body oils gives them a scent. Use citrus essential oils for energy, lavender to relax and rose for romance. Color is attractive and plays up the scent and use of the body oil. Does this Spark an idea?

Oil Base for Coloring

Put the dried powdered herbs in a stainless steel pot. Try dried cranberry for pink, tumeric for yellow, paprika for orange and parsley for green. Start with 1 tbsp. of herbs. Cover the herbs with 1 inch of a base oil. Another coloring agent choice is mica, but it's more difficult to find.

Heat the oil for two hours so it is warm but not hot. The color from the herbs will be absorbed by the oil.

Strain the oil if the color isn't dark enough after two hours. Repeat the process with fresh dried herbs until you reach the desired depth of color.

Add the colored oil to the body oil recipes a few drops at a time.

Energizing Body Oil

Place 4 oz. of almond oil in a bottle.

Add 2 oz. of coconut oil

Shake well and add five drops each of lemon, orange and grapefruit essential oil.

Add yellow or orange colored oil.

Relaxing Massage Oil

Place 4 oz. of avocado oil in a bottle.

Add 2 oz. of grape seed oil.

Shake well and add five drops each of clarey sage and lavender essential oil.

Add green colored oil.


- Experiment with different oils, herbs and essential oils.


- Food coloring doesn't work to color oil. It stays separate.

Acne Treatment for Boys

When a boy reaches adolescence, he faces one of the banes of teenage years: acne. Your boy may be able to treat acne simply by using good hygiene and over-the-counter topical medications. But it's also important to know when a visit to the dermatologist is needed. Does this Spark an idea?

Acne Basics

One of the culprits responsible for acne is bacteria. But also contributing to acne in boys are dead skin cells that clog the hair follicles, as well as excessive sebum (oil) production caused by increased hormones common in the teenage years. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends exercising good daily hygiene by washing the areas affected with acne using a mild, oil-free cleanser. Using a washcloth or Buff Puff is not advised, as this can exacerbate oil production. Simply using the fingertips or hands is sufficient. Boys should also be encouraged to wash after they sweat profusely, such as after they participate in a sport or other activity of physical exertion.

There are numerous drugstore topical treatments for acne that can be effective. These typically contain mild ingredients such as benzoyl peroxide, sulfur, resorcinol, salicylic acid or lactic acid and can be helpful in addressing mild cases of acne. However, if mild acne doesn't resolve or if a boy's acne is more severe, there are prescription treatments that may be more helpful.

When Acne Won't Resolve

Your boy might balk at the suggestion of going to see a doctor for his acne. However, this is nothing to be ashamed of; the AAD estimates that more than 40 percent of adolescents have seen a dermatologist by the time they reach their mid-teen years.

A dermatologist can prescribe a stronger topical treatment, such as an antimicrobial to fight bacteria, or a retinoid, which helps dead skin cells shed. Oral antibiotics, a mainstay in treating acne, may also be prescribed. Erythromycin, tetracycline and its derivatives, doxycycline and minocycline, are popular drugs used to fight the bacteria that cause acne. These medications are usually taken for no more than six months.

There is some research to support the use of light and laser therapies to reduce acne. Blue light therapy is the most widely used treatment and also addresses acne by targeting the bacteria that causes it. However, these therapies are still considered experimental, so they may not be covered by your insurance plan. According to the AAD, a single treatment of blue light therapy can cost between $100 and $200, and around eight treatments are suggested. So while this method may be helpful, it can also be costly if you must pay out-of-pocket.

When Acne Is Severe

If your child has severe acne--nodules and cysts that form under the skin--this is a cause for concern. This form of acne can cause disfigurement and severe scarring that will later require cosmetic treatment. A dermatologist's assistance is required to treat cysts and nodules. While high dosages of oral antibiotics can be helpful, the AAD states that a round of isotretinoin (Accutane) is the most effective way to get rid of severe acne once and for all, as it targets all of the factors that cause acne (excess oil, dead skin cells and bacteria).

Isotretinoin is taken orally once or twice daily for 16 to 20 weeks, after which severe acne resolves in most people, although a second round of treatment may be necessary. This medication comes with certain side effects, such as dry skin and eyes, which resolve after treatment is over. However, it can also have more profound side effects, such as joint pain, nausea, hearing loss, liver problems and depression and/or suicidal thoughts. The decision to have your boy use isotretinoin should be discussed with his dermatologist thoroughly, so you'll know all of the risks involved and if he is a good candidate for this type of therapy.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Trulift Hair Products

Trulift Hair Care is a brand of hair products designed to increase volume for those with limp or fine hair. The hair care products advertisements promise an increase in shine, volume and body. Their product line includes creams, sprays, shampoos and haircare accessories such as dryers and flat irons. The prices range from the single digits to over $100. Does this Spark an idea?

Trulift Travelsol Spraymate

The Trulift Travelsol Spraymate is a compatible hair spray product. By simply inserting the tip of the nozzle of a regular hairspray canister into the bottom of the Travelsol Spraymate, the hair spray can be transferred from the large container to the travel can for easy transport in a purse. The canister costs $21.95 as of October 2010.

The Trulift Color-N-Lift 2Go Brush

The Trulift Color-N-Lift 2Go Brush is a brush-on color touch-up for people with dyed hair. It is a convenient way to touch up color when gray roots begin to show. The brush colors available are black, neutral, brown, blond, auburn, light brown and red. The brush is compact and portable so it is easy to fix your hair on the go. The price of the brush is $19.95 as of October 2010.

Trulift TEASEase Volumizing System

The Trulift TEASEase Volumizing System consists of two TEASEase double-ended combs and two ounces of the Trulift volume spritz. It is designed to increase volume in all types of hair and it can also strengthen the hair. The combs have a special design that helps them lift the hair from the root. Trulift TEASEase Volumizing System costs $19.95 as of October 2010.

Trulift Uplifting Cream

The Trulift Uplifting Cream is a product designed to increase volume and give your hair a boost. It can be used either on damp hair or when styling dry hair. The cream is a combination of vitamin B, avocado oil and keratin. The Trulift Uplifting Cream costs $16.50 as of October 2010.

Trulift Pro Cordless Styling Iron

The Trulift Pro Cordless Styling Iron is made to straighten all kinds of hair types. It features dual ceramic plates that cause less damage to the hair. When fully charged, the iron can stay powered for up to 35 minutes and can reach as hot as 410 degrees. It comes with a drawstring pouch and a 1-year warranty. As of October 2010, the price of the iron is $89.95.

Trulift the Stylist

Trulift the Stylist is made to increase volume, boost and shine. It is designed for those with limp, dull and frizzy hair and is a styling cream that can be applied to damp or dry hair. It is a lightweight, oil-free product that leaves hair light and fluffy. It costs $17.50 as of October 2010.

Why Is My Skin so Dry?

Your skin can get dry for a wide variety of unfortunately common reasons. Find out why your skin is so dry with help from a talented and experienced makeup artist in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Risha Rox and I'm a makeup artist. Today, I'm going to talk with you about dry skin. One of the most common questions from our viewers is why is my skin so dry. So what we're going to do is look at a few common reasons why your skin may be so dry. Number one, are you drinking enough water? If you're not drinking eight to twelve glasses of water at a minimum every single day, one of the major results may be that your skin is dry, you're dehydrated. It's pure and simple. You need to drink water if you want your skin to be hydrated and moisturized. Number two, not the water that you are taking in but the water that you are actually putting on your skin, we have to break the hot water habit. It does not take scalding hot water to cleanse your skin. So you should be using lukewarm water, especially if you experience any irritation or dryness as a result of washing your face. The next reason is that you may not be using enough moisturizer. You should not be afraid of moisturizer and fear that it's going to clog your pores. If you don't use moisturizer after every wash, your skin will respond by either becoming overly oily or overly dry, either way, the best way to combat this is to use moisturizer after every wash and that's at least twice a day. Number four, the biggest reason why your skin may be so dry is that it's the Winter. The harsh freezing winds and the heaters we use to combat the cold are two of the biggest foes that make our skin dry. What you have to do is come up with a regimen for your skin that takes into account the season. When it's Winter, it's time to break out the really really heavy moisturizers like Eucerin and also acquiesce screens which are really really heavy on the skin but definitely combat the dryness that can come with the Winter. My name is Risha Rox, and I've just talked with you about dry skin.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Different Ways You Can Cut the Hair on a Dog's Tail

Fur texture varies from breed to breed, so there are many ways to cut the hair on a dog’s tail. Owners may experiment with different looks when searching for one they find stylish or cute. Owners usually trim the tail after trimming everywhere else. They use a brush, comb and dog grooming scissors. The final look can range from a pom-pom ball to a short and neat look.

Checking the Tail

A dog owner should wrap his hand around the tail base and then slide his hand down the tail to push all the hairs in the right direction so the comb goes more smoothly through the hair. When running the comb through the hair, the owner must check the hair in the comb to make sure he does not cut the tail. When the comb passes through the hair, that clump of hair has no tail.

Hair Length

When dogs have very little fur on their tails, owners usually cut the fur short. However, dogs with more fur can have very fluffy and cute tails, so owners may only have to trim a little bit of the fur to retain that look. Some people cut the tail tip first, which removes most of the fringes of hair.

Stray Hairs

Owners can cut the long hairs on the tail using thinning scissors, clipping the longer hairs found at the end of the tail. Many stray hairs on the dog’s tail curl up when the dog lifts its tail up, only a few of which the owner should cut. After cutting, the owner should run the brush through the hair again.

Removing Mats

Dogs usually get mats everywhere, including on the tail. Spraying the mat with water will lubricate it and may allow the owner to remove the mat, but very thick mats may require a detangler first. Some owners cut out mats, which is sometimes the only option with extreme mats. Consequently, this will leave a hole in the dog’s tail coat.

Specific Breeds

Owners of certain breeds cut the tail fur in certain ways. With a Maltese, owners can comb the hair on the tail straight down and cut the bottom hair. Maltese and other dogs have tails that curl up, so owners must uncurl the tail before they cut the hair. When trimming the tail to give a poodle the characteristic pom-pom ball, the owner cuts the hair based on the tail length. When the tail is very long, they should not trim the tail so it’s thick only at the tip, or the tail will look like a ball on a long stick. However, the hair shouldn’t be too even in length from the front to the back, or it will look like a bunny’s tail.

How to Make Sandalwood Body Oil

Sandalwood, also known by its Latin name, santalum album, is an oil that has many properties and uses. According to The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils, it is used for depression, skin ailments, stress and bronchitis. Transform a few ingredients into a body oil that will leave your skin soft and scented with the mysterious scent of sandalwood.

Pour the light olive oil into a bowl and add the jojoba oil. You may also use grapeseed oil and add avocado oil. The trick is to add a heavier oil to a lighter one for extra moisturizing properties.

Add 15 drops of 100 percent sandalwood oil to the olive/jojoba blend by holding the bottle upside down and tapping it.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly and pour into a bottle.


- For baby smooth skin, use this homemade body oil after the shower while skin is still damp.

- Lavender, rose absolute and vanilla oils go well with sandalwood; if you wish, add several drops of each to taste, mixing and smelling after every three drops.

- Add this body oil to the bath for a moisturizing and uplifting experience.


- Some essential oils cause skin irritation; if this occurs, discontinue use immediately.

- The oil is for topical use only; never ingest the oil.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

How to Reset Zeno Acne Treatment Device

The Zeno blemish clearing device is a unique acne treatment product that uses heat to kill the bacteria that cause acne. The metal tip of the product is applied to a skin blemish and the product emits a beeping sound when it is time to remove the tip from the skin. The Zeno device tracks the number of treatments and when the number reaches 80, the cartridge stops working and must be replaced. Resetting the device prior to the cartridge expiration can extend the life of the cartridge. Does this Spark an idea?

Turn on the Zeno acne device and find the "Life Indicator" lights located either on the left side or center of the device. The position varies depending on the model of Zeno. When only one "Life Indicator" light is lit, it is time to reset the device.

Turn off the Zeno and allow it to cool down completely.

Place one hand securely around the body of the Zeno device.

Place the other hand over the very top of the device, which is where the metal tip is located.

Pull up on the tip to separate it from the body of the Zeno device.

Wait at least 30 seconds.

Replace the Zeno tip onto the body of the device and push down until you hear an audible click.

Turn the Zeno device back on and look at the "Life Indicator" lights. There will be more than one light lit, indicating that the device has been reset and additional uses have been added.


- This process may cause the internal pins of the Zeno device to wear out prematurely.

Hair Products Without Animal Ingredients

Animal ingredients in hair products can be cleverly disguised. Some common ingredients in hair products like gelatin, amino acids and hyaluronic acid are often animal derivatives. The use of some of these ingredients may involve cruelty to animals. There are manufacturers, however, that make vegan-approved products. Vegan means no animal products were used including by-products such as dairy. PETA provides an extensive list of animal ingredients in addition to vegan companies that manufacture beauty products. Does this Spark an idea?


Pureology has been in existence since 2001. Pureology specializes in hair care for color treated hair. The hair care line offers products to hydrate, smooth, repair and add volume to color treated hair. Created by Jim Markham in Irvine, California, Pureology uses 100 percent vegan formulas. Jim uses natural and botanical ingredients such as biotin, organic shea butter, lavender and chamomile. These ingredients are found in Pureology's shampoo, conditioners, leave-in conditioners and styling products.

Tara Smith

Celebrity hair stylist Tara Smith created a line of natural and organic hair care products in 2008. Her line of shampoos, conditioners and styling products are vegan approved and do not contain any animal derivatives. Tara's hair care line is the recipient of the 2009 Pure Beauty Best Organic Launch award. Aloe, lavender, chamomile and rosemary are some of the natural ingredients in Tara's products. Made in the United Kingdom, the products are available at Tesco and Duane Reade stores and online. Tara Smith products are priced ranging from $5.95 to $9.95, according to a 2010 price index.


ABBA honors a commitment to purity with products that contain 100 percent vegan and all natural ingredients. ABBA's hair care line provides hair products to cleanse, condition, correct and create -- the company refers to the line as the 4Cs. ABBA uses aloe, chamomile, green tea and avocado in its sulfate-free shampoos, conditioners, leave-in treatments and styling products. ABBA was created in 1988 by Alan Benfield Bush and Jim Markham.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

How to Shave Without Drying Out Your Skin

Just because you're shaving doesn't mean you have to put up with dry skin. Learn how to shave without drying out your skin with help from a talented and experienced makeup artist in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi, my name is Risha Rox and I'm a makeup artist. Today, I'm going to talk with you about how to shave without having dry skin afterwards. Shaving is great. It removes unwanted hair. It's a fantastic exfoliator, however, it does tend to leave you with dry skin and I'm going to leave you with a few ways to combat this. Number one, never ever ever do a dry shave, in a pinch, don't do it for any reason. It will definitely dry your skin out and also create much more potential for lacerations, abrasions, which then leads to infection. Don't dry shave, use shaving cream or whatever you can use to lather it up. Number two, use a sharp fresh razor every time. If you are using disposable razors, dispose of them often so that each time you shave you're getting a fresh blade and a clean shave. This will help your skin to not dry out as much and also will help you with the lacerations and abrasions as well. Number three, there are a lot of great razors on the market right now that have moisture strips and lather, all built right into the razor. You should use one of these. They use good ingredients like aloe. This one in particular has milk and honey and Shea butter, all these things are great for your skin and will help. They sit right above the blade so as you are shaving, you're also moisturizing right at the same time. And number four, when you are done shaving, you have to moisturize and after shaving I recommend a heavy obvious cream like this. My name is Risha Rox, and I've just told you how to avoid dry skin after shaving.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Cutting the Hair on Yorkie Paw Pads

The Yorkie, or Yorkshire terrier, is a toy dog with a single coat in dark-steel blue or tan. The long, silky coat requires regular grooming to preserve the neat appearance of the Yorkie. Cutting the hair on your Yorkie's paw pads should be part of the grooming routine. The hair between the pads grows continually and requires removal to keep the dog comfortable and prevent accidents.

Reasons for Cutting the Hair on Yorkie Paw Pads

Cutting the hair on the paw pads is performed mainly for hygiene reasons. The hair facilitates the buildup of dirt, mud and debris during the warm months and during wintertime, street salt and ice can accumulate in this hair. The hair in this area is prone to matting, due to the constant contact with the ground, and the debris may get caught in the tangles of hair, making it uncomfortable for the dog to walk. In addition, the removal of hair improves the dog's traction, because the long hair can cause the dog to slip on surfaces such as ceramic tiles, wood or marble.

How to Cut Hair Between Pads

Before you start clipping the hair, inspect the feet of your dog and remove any debris using a pair of tweezers. If the hair is matted, wet it and comb it. Use clippers and a number 15 blade to remove the hair. The hair removal tickles the dog, so it will be likely to move its feet. Try holding still the foot you are working on and use clippers, which are less likely to injure the dog when compared to shears. Should you injure your dog and it bleeds, use styptic powder to stop the bleeding.

Feet Grooming

In addition to cutting the hair that grows between the paw pads, you should also cut the hair around the edges of the paws. Clip this hair when removing the interdigital hair. Clip the hair short and give a round shape to the foot. The grooming of the Yorkie's feet would not be complete without clipping or filing the toenails. Identify the quick, which is pink and avoid cutting too close.

Paw Pad Care

Inspect the dog's paw pads regularly and look for cuts and lumps. Consult your veterinarian if you find abnormalities with your dog's pads. If you find lumps, avoid cutting close to these when clipping the inter-digital hair. Yorkies have sensitive paw pads and they can dry or crack during cold season, so apply a moisturizing cream on the pads and massage it into the pads. Invest in dog boots for the winter.

How to Remove Mole Foam Padding

Molefoam or moleskin padding is a product by Dr. Scholl's. It is made of extra-soft cotton flannel padding that is self-adhering latex. It can be cut to any size to fit sore spots, calluses or corns on either foot. It can be worn discreetly under any type of hosiery and will not rip stockings, knee-highs or pantyhose. Moleskin padding also helps prevent blisters when wearing new shoes or walking a long distance on a rocky road. Does this Spark an idea?

Take a warm shower using a gentle liquid body soap. Make sure to rinse all the soap off your body thoroughly.

Dry yourself with a soft, absorbent towel. Pay particular attention to the foot or the area where you have the moleskin padding attached.

Fill a bucket with warm water. Add about five drops of baby oil or your favorite foot-bath soak to the water.

Soak the foot with the padding in the warm water for 10 to 15 minutes. If the water is too hot, add some cool water to make the water warm to the touch.

Bring the foot that has the padding out of the water. Dry it thoroughly with an absorbent towel. Try to loosen an edge of the padding with your finger. If it does not come up easily, stop pulling.

Moisten a cotton ball with alcohol. Soak it fairly well. Dab the cotton ball all the way around the edges of the padding. Leave the alcohol sit for a minute or two.

Lift one corner of the padding gently. It should lift easily. Pull it back gently. Throw the padding in a trash bin. Allow the foot to air overnight before reapplying a new pad.


- Never place the adhesive of the pad over an open wound or blister.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Zorac Treatment for Acne

Despite all the advertisements for acne medications you've come across in the media, you still may not have heard of Zorac. That's because you can only get Zorac by prescription. Zorac's harsh active ingredient means that it should be treated with caution and can only be used in low concentrations to treat skin conditions. Does this Spark an idea?

How Zorac Works

Zorac's active ingredient is tazarotene, which is a retinoid. Retinoids have a structure that is similar to Vitamin A and supports skin growth. The exact mechanism by which Zorac works is unknown, but it is speculated that Zorac helps by encouraging normal skin growth and reducing inflammation. Zorac is also known as Tazorac, Tazarotene, Avage, Tazaroteno, and Tazarotenum.


Zorac comes in gel or cream form that is applied on the affected area. The standard concentration used to treat acne is 0.1 percent. In higher concentrations, it is also used to treat plaque psoriasis, which is a condition whereby the skin is red, thickened and often scaly.

Side Effects

Like many drugs, Zorac may cause side effects for some users. The most commonly reported side effects include dry skin, red skin, peeling skin and burning sensation. Less frequently observed side effects include itching, skin irritation, stinging feeling and pain.


If you have sunburn, wait until your skin has recovered before applying Zorac. If you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant, you may not use Zorac until you have finished breast-feeding. Do not use Zorac it you are allergic to tazarotene or suffer from eczema. Zorac may also be unsafe to treat acne on children under 12 years of age.

Getting Zorac

If you want to try using Zorac to treat acne, visit your doctor and request for it. If your doctor agrees that you will benefit from Zorac, he will give you the prescription you need to buy it from a pharmacy.

Hair Products of the 1970s

The 70s were a time of feathered bangs, up-dos, afros and generally big hair. The hairstyles of the 70s were designed to go along with popular cultural aspects of the time, such as disco, bell bottoms, rock and roll and the movies and television shows of the time. To achieve these hair styles, several types of hair products were used, some of which continue to be popular. Does this Spark an idea?

Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific

Gee, Your Hair Smells Terrific is a brand of shampoo introduced in the 70s aimed at making your hair shiny, full, soft, and of course, smelling terrific. This brand of shampoo is still sold today, and can be found from online retailers such as Vermontcountrystore.

Afro Pick

The afro pick is a specially designed comb for manipulating the thick curls of an afro. Originally, the afro was popular with black nationalist groups, but became mainstreamed and popularized in the 1970s. Today, people still use afro picks as the main way of combing their hair.

LemonUp Shampoo

According to the website Datazap, LemonUp is a brand that made both shampoos and conditioners that contained an entire lemon in the bottle. Besides providing a lemony scent, this shampoo was aimed at maximizing the body and texture of your hair.

Supermax Hair-Dryer

According to, the Supermax hair-dryer was a combination hair dryer, curler and straightener aimed at creating various types of hair styles quickly. This is achieved by the components of the product that include a wide-toothed drying comb, fine-tooth curver, drying concentrator, a brush and a storing handle.

What Do Manicurists Use to Take Dry Skin off the Heels?

Manicurists typically use a foot scrub and a foot exfoliator to take dry skin off the heels. Find out what manicurists use to take dry skin off the heels with help from a licensed nail technician in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi, everyone. My name is Joi, licensed nail technician, and I'm going to answer the question for you all, what do manicurists use to take dry skin off the heals? So what I'm going to use today is a bit of foot scrub and a foot exfoliator. So what you want to do, and I usually do this after I've soaked the foot a little bit, is I will take a bit of scrub, okay and this has little granules in to that's going to exfoliate and take the dry skin right off, feels a little bit gritty, but that's what makes it work. So I just take a little bit rub it in my hand add just a bit of water, so that it's not so scratchy and then just gently massage it in. Okay, using a circular motion making sure to get both sides of the heal, rub that in and I'm actually not going to rinse yet, I'm going to take the foot exfoliator, right on top of that scrub and just gently use a back and forth motion. Okay, using those two together is going to make sure that you get rid of that dry skin and makes the heals really, really smooth. And it prepares it for lotion which you would follow up with. Okay, so this is something that you can do maybe once a week should be good enough and will definitely help you get rid of that dry skin and everything will feel nice and smooth. So thank you all for watching. I hope this was really helpful to you. My name is Joi, bye.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Cutting the Hair of a Pomeranian Chihuahua

A Pomeranian Chihuahua cross, often called a Pomchi or Chiranian, is a happy and affectionate dog with a strong sense of loyalty to its family. Grooming a Pomeranian Chihuahua varies, depending whether the dog has a long or short coat. Maintaining a natural look for your Pomeranian Chihuahua by trimming the fur is a grooming ritual that should be done regularly to keep knots and snarls at bay.

Brush your dog, removing any tangles or knots gently. By brushing your dog prior to cutting the fur, you will ensure a smooth, natural look. If you have a Pomeranian Chihuahua with a long coat, be sure to brush the undercoat until smooth. This can be done by brushing the fur against its natural direction of growth, or brushing the fur toward the dog's head.

Trim excess fur with thinning shears. There may be excess fur around the collar, ears, eyes and tail of the dog. Thinning shears are also used to trim excess fur in warm summer months, and to maintain a smooth, groomed coat between brushings. Trim a small amount of fur, then step back and examine your work, or else you risk cutting too much fur from your dog.

Trim the area of the anus and feet with scissors. Trimming around the anus will allow the dog to stay neater and cleaner, and trimming the feet will keep the dog from tripping or getting excess dirt and debris on its legs.


- Brushing your Pomeranian Chihuahua two or three times per week will keep mats and tangles at bay.

- Point the end of the thinning shears and scissors away from your dog's skin to avoid accidentally poking the dog.


- Use caution when working with scissors around your dog.

Items That Restore the Natural Melanin in the Hair

There are several ways to restore or stimulate natural melanin in the hair without using pricey dyes or harsh ingredients. There are various reasons hair can gray or whiten but changing your diet and using oils and herbs can help replace the loss of pigment. Finding the right natural melanin restorer for your graying hair can also be safe and easy. Does this Spark an idea?

Copper-Rich Foods

A copper-rich diet can help your body naturally restore melanin in your hair. Some foods include almonds and cashews, chickpeas, liver and oysters. Cereals, meat and fish generally contain up to 50 percent of the required copper intake for a balanced diet, so adding nuts or seeds such as poppy or sunflower can increase your daily intake, too.

Iron-Rich Food

Eating foods rich in iron can add benefits to a copper-rich diet when attempting to restore melanin in your hair. Dark green vegetables such as spinach and kale or yellow fruits such as bananas and tomatoes are excellent sources of iron.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is one of the healthiest oils for your scalp. Not only does it prevent lice and dandruff, it promotes the regrowth of damaged or graying hair. By massaging this oil into the hair roots and scalp, natural melanin can return. You can also combine this oil with lemon juice or Indian gooseberry (Alma) for an additional melanin boost to your scalp.

Drying Agents & Skin Folds

Drying agents and skin folds are directly related in a number of key interesting ways. Get tips on drying agents and skin folds with help from a board certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

My name is Dr. Tony Nakhla, I'm a board certified dermatologist and medical director and founder of OC Skin Institute, Southern California's most comprehensive dermatology centers and author of The Skin Commandments: 10 Rules to Healthy, Beautiful Skin. Today, we're going to talk about drying agents in skin folds. One of the most common conditions that my patients come in with is a condition known as intertrigo and the lay person's term for that is jock itch and basically jock itch occurs when in areas where the skin folds and wherever the skin folds is a place where moisture tends to build up. Now we all have a bunch of micro organisms living on our skin, we've got yeast, we've got bacteria and we have viruses all sorts of things that are normally found on our skin. In areas that are kind of moist and, and so we like to use things that are considered drying agents not only to keep the area dry, but, but also to prevent the growth of, the over growth of those normal micro organisms that live on the skin. My favorite product is a product called Zeasorb Powder and Zeasorb is a drying agent basically the way to use this is after you've showered is to really make sure the area in question is really dry. Some people after they towel dry even use a little blow dryer on cool to make sure that area is dry, very common for men to do this especially in the groin area for people for athletes, this is a common thing that's done on the feet especially people who play outdoor sports and can get caught in a, in a storm playing soccer or baseball or whatever, it's a good idea to after you've, after you've washed your feet to make sure that you really dry them and then you want to apply something like Zeasorb Powder to the bottoms of the feet, in the groin, under the armpits. A lot of people who are a little over weight can have this in that flap of skin where the belly kind of, you know meets the, the under portion of the belly, the lower part of the belly and some women under the breasts where the skin folds. The idea is dry the area apply, use a little blow dryer on cool and then apply Zeasorb Powder and then you can get dressed or put your socks on what ever else you do. Another tip for men is to really consider if your somebody who wears boxers consider changing to boxers or briefs, something that's breathable cotton and something that can really get in those folds and also help absorb moisture. So these are just tips for skin, skin folds and the use of drying agents and this is a great product and I think that if this is a common issue for you this is, these little two weeks can really help prevent these little skin outbreaks.

How to Cut a Corgi's Hair

There are two varieties of corgi dogs, the Pembroke corgi and the Cardigan corgi. Both originated in Wales, and were used as herding dogs. The main difference between them is that the Cardigan has a long tail, whereas the Pembroke's tail is naturally bobbed. Corgis aren't long-coated breeds, so their hair doesn't require much cutting. If you're planning on showing your dog, it's only permitted that you trim the hair on its feet. If you don't show, you can trim other parts of its coat if necessary.

Brush through your corgi's coat with a wire pin brush to remove any tangles.

Trim any excess hair on the feet with dog grooming scissors. Look for unwanted hair around the pads of the paws, the sides of the feet and near the area where the dew claws should be. For showing, a corgi should have an oval-shaped paw, so avoid trimming so much as to make the foot look round.

Cut the hair around your dog's anus, and trim carefully inside its ears and on the outside, where the base of the ears meet the head. Remember to leave out this step if you want to show your corgi.


- If showing your dog, you can also trim its whiskers, if desired, but many deem it unnecessary.


- Be very careful not to nick your dog with the scissors.

Alternatives to Capezio Tights

Tights are an important part of any dancer or athlete's uniform. They ensure that the optimum look and comfort level is maintained throughout performances and practice sessions alike. It is important that the right make and fit are found for each individual body as preferences in style and comfort vary. Capezio is a popular tight manufacturer of choice, but there are other options available on the market. Does this Spark an idea?


Bloch tights are comprised of a durable microfiber, making them resistant to breakage and form fitting. They adjust to the wearer's body type with increased usage, generating a relaxed fit for long-term wear. Most of Bloch's tights are high-waisted with a hand-sewn elasticized waistband, so that tights stay in place throughout wear.


Danskin tights are known for their comfort due to a wide sizing range. They are sized as close as possible to fit varying body types, making them optimal for everyday use. Danskin is known for the wide variety of colors in which they manufacture tights, making them ideal for performance and costume wear.

Gaynor Miden

Woven with strong genuine microfiber, Gaynor Miden tights are soft and comfortable to wear. 3-D stretch ensures optimal movement capability with minimal chance of breakage. Gaynor Miden tights are popular not only for dance, but for everyday wear due to their thick, warm quality.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Obagi Acne Treatment

Obagi Medical Products, a leader in the skin health industry has introduced a three-step, prescription strength acne treatment product, CLENZIderm, that uses a patented solubilized liquid form of benzoyl peroxide (BPO) which is said to work beneath the skin's surface and is clinically proven to reduce the appearance of acne in as little as two weeks by attacking the three main causes of acne: bacteria, buildup of skin cells and a buildup of excess oil. Does this Spark an idea?


Obagi Medical Products was founded in 1988 by Dr. Zein E. Obagi and other leading experts in skin care with the development of the Nu-Derm system. Headquartered in California, Obagi is a leading provider in the skin health industry of clinically proven, physician-dispensed, proprietary topical aesthetic and therapeutic skin care systems which work in harmony using their Penetrating Therapeutics technology to repair the skin at the cellular level in three simple steps: cleanse, prepare and treat.


Quickly becoming a favorite of dermatologists and their patients the CLENZIderm M.D. System by Obagi is a 3-step acne treatment process available for normal to oily skin or normal to dry skin. CLENZIderm treats acne where it starts by penetrating deep into the follicle with a patented form of 5% benzoyl peroxide (BPO), hydroquinone, vitamin C and other acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid which are clinically proven to be effective in reducing P. acnes bacteria and the accompanying lesions.


For normal to oily skin, Obagi recommends their easy to use and gentle on your skin three step process to begin with the Daily Care Foaming Cleanser, which removes dirt and oil, followed by Pore Therapy which purifies and clears pores, and then Serum Gel which delivers benzoyl peroxide directly into pores. The normal to dry skin system begins with the Daily Care Foaming Cleanser as well, followed by the Therapeutic Lotion that delivers Benzoyl Peroxide to the skin, and then the Therapeutic Moisturizer that hydrates and protect skin.


By harnessing the power of vitamin C, hydroquinone and other acne-fighting ingredients like salicylic acid and prescription strength gel form of liquefied benzoyl peroxide, the reduction of visible signs of acne can be seen in as little as two weeks with daily use of Obagi's acne treatment system CLENZIderm. Daily use of the CLENZIderm acne treatment system will also promote healthy, clear skin by rapid and deeper product penetration into the follicle, thereby preventing new breakouts.


Obagi products can be costly as they are by prescription only; therefore, they are available through physicians, such as, dermatologists, skin care specialists, plastic surgeons and medical spas. The CLENZIderm acne treatment system may cause redness, skin irritation and peeling; if these symptoms occur, reduce application to once per day or every other day. Gradually increase use to 2 times per day as the product instructs.

Monday, May 6, 2013

How to Use Wen After Coloring

Wen is not a shampoo. Wen is a "cleansing conditioner" that acts as five products in one: shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, detangler and leave-in conditioner. Wen can be used on any type of hair, including color-treated hair. Although any of the Wen cleansing conditioners may be used, the Fig Cleansing Conditioner is best for thick, coarse, wavy and curly hair as well as dry, heat-damaged, color-treated or dehydrated hair. Does this Spark an idea?


Rinse hair with cool water for two minutes.

Pump six to 12 squirts of the cleansing conditioner into your hands and rub together. Use six pumps for short hair, eight pumps for hair that is down to the shoulders, 10 pumps for hair past the shoulders and 12 pumps for long hair. Apply the cleansing conditioner to the crown of the head.

Apply the cleansing conditioner to the hair, starting at the scalp and working toward the ends.

Work the conditioner into the hair. Add a bit of water and massage for two to three minutes. Be sure to start at the crown and work toward the ends. Use your fingers to push the cleansing conditioner into the hair shafts.

Use a wide-toothed comb to comb the product evenly through the hair. Leave on for a minimum of three to five minutes. The longer you leave it on the better the results.

Rinse with cool water. Use your fingers to massage your scalp for one to two minutes while rinsing. Be sure to run your fingers through to the ends of your hair. Leave your hair soaking wet.


Pump one to three pumps of the cleansing conditioner into your hands and rub together. Apply as a leave-in conditioner. Start from the back of the head and work through to the ends, and then apply from the crown to the hairline.

Apply one to three pumps of Wen styling creme. Start from the back of the head and work through to the ends, and then apply from the crown to the hairline.

Wrap your hair in a towel to absorb moisture. Avoid rubbing your hair with the towel, as this may cause frizz. Remove the towel and style. Allow your hair to dry naturally.


- Use the cleansing conditioner as an overnight deep-conditioning treatment. Instead of rinsing, cover your hair with a plastic shower cap. The next morning rinse thoroughly.

- Do not use heated styling tools, like flat irons and curling irons, which can dry out and damage your hair.

- Wen may also be used on children and some animals.


- Although Wen may be used on animals, do not use Tea Tree Cleansing Conditioner on your cat. Tea tree oil is toxic to cats.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Red, Dry Skin on the Ankle

Red, dry skin on the ankle could potentially be the sign of a larger issue. Learn about red, dry skin on the ankle with help from an accredited dermatologist in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

I'm Dr. Lawrence Samuels, chief of dermatology at St. Luke's Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, and founder of Rx Systems PF. Today I'm going to explain to you how to get rid of that red itchy scaly skin around the ankles and sometimes it will even extend up onto the leg. The fact that you actually have redness indicates that there's more than just that dry skin. So there's actually some inflammation and I many times have patients come in and they go I've been using moisturizers and it's not alleviating my problem and the reason is is they're not treating the inflammation first. There are various over-the-counter hydrocortisone preparations. The 1% would obviously be the most effective and it needs to be applied at least twice a day. It would be very easy to dampen the skin a little bit so that you make sure the hydrocortisone cream rubs in thoroughly. If after two to four weeks you've seen very little improvement, it may actually be time to seek a consultation from a dermatologist but for today, we're going to assume that the hydrocortisone cream relieves that redness and a lot of that irritation. Once it's done that, you need to use an effective moisturizer and I actually recommend beginning to use the moisturizer along with the hydrocortisone cream. So what would happen is after bathing or after you dampen the skin, you would apply the hydrocortisone cream, rub it in thoroughly, wait two or three minutes and then apply your moisturizer. If you have red, dry, irritated skin obviously your normal lotion moisturizers are not really going to be good enough so you really need good protein moisturizers. I happen to like the rejuvenating protein moisturizer from RX Systems PF. It contains pepties, collagen, soluble collagen, elastin, antioxidants, so it helps really hydrate that dry stratum corneum skin. So again, if you have red, dry, irritated skin around the ankles, it's important to bathe, even to use some type of reparative or exfoliating cleanser, then use your hydrocortisone cream, 1% twice a day, make sure it's thoroughly rubbed into the skin, wait two or three minutes, use your good protein moisturizer. Again this is Dr. Lawrence Samuels, chief of dermatology, St. Luke's Hospital in St. Louis, Missouri, and founder of RX Systems PF.

How to Cut a Shaggy Dog's Hair

Some dogs have hair that does not shed and grows constantly. These dogs, such as Old English Sheepdogs and poodles, need regular grooming to keep their coats from getting out of hand. Without regular grooming, their hair can obstruct their vision or trip them up, provide a home for fleas and ticks, become matted and irritating to their skin, and catch dirt and other unhygienic items. Since taking your shaggy dog to the groomer on a monthly basis might get expensive, there are ways to maintain its coat between less frequent visits to a professional.

Wet your dog down. Hair has increased elasticity when it’s wet and is easier to manage when cutting it. If you are going to shampoo and/or condition your dog's fur, this is the time to do it, then rinse the dog off.

Brush your dog, using a metal comb or the dematting rake. Trim out any mats using the scissors, then comb again.

Clip the dog's fur around the undercarriage using a smaller blade. Clip under the arms, the belly and the genital area beneath the tail.

Use a larger blade to clip the legs and the back of the dog.

Use the smaller blade again to clip around the face and the ears. The comb can guide the blade for extra safety.

Brush the dog with the comb or the rake.

Blow dry the dog's hair.

Touch up any uneven patches with the scissors. The haircut you choose might depend on the breed of dog, or the function you want it to have. For example, show dogs usually have specific breed-specific cuts, while pet dogs often require a shorter utility cut to prevent mess or tangling.


- Praise the dog through every step of the grooming process to make the haircut a positive experience for it. Treats are also a welcome incentive for your dog.

- Start grooming at home when the dog is a puppy, if possible, to make grooming a fixed experience in the dog's life.


- If you cut the dog accidentally, you can stop the bleeding with the styptic powder. Be sure to speak in warm, gentle tones to the dog if this happens to calm it and maintain the positive experience.

Natural Ways to Make Your Body Stop Producing Oil on Your Face

Oily skin is generally an issue caused by heredity and hormones. That is one reason why teenagers often suffer from oily skin and acne. However, it can continue to occur throughout life and come back with a vengeance during the hormonal shifts of menopause. The drawbacks of oily skin include acne, because the sebum can clog pores and lead to pimples. There are natural ways to make your body stop producing oil on your face. The effectiveness will depend upon your own genetics and skin. Does this Spark an idea?

Face Masks

Regular use of face masks can make your body stop producing excess oil on your face. When shopping for masks to use, it's important to pay attention to the ingredients. Clay masks are ideal for use on oily skin. Facial mud masks are another choice. The ingredients of clay and mud absorb excess oil and keep your skin from producing excess amounts. Use the face mask twice per week, at the most, because it can be harsh for your skin. If you use harsh ingredients on your skin, it can actually increase the oil production.


Take supplements daily that improve the skin. Even if you eat a balanced diet, vitamin supplements can benefit your skin. In addition to a daily multi-vitamin, take a vitamin B complex. Vitamin B helps create and maintain healthy skin. Evening primrose oil is a supplement that can decrease oil production on your face. Oil production is influenced by hormones, so balancing those hormones will naturally lead to less oil. Evening primrose oil balances those hormones in women.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that will make your skin produce less oil. Either use the gel that comes directly from an aloe vera plant, or purchase the gel at a drugstore. If you buy it, make sure that it's pure aloe vera gel. It is a natural healer that clears out your pores and absorbs the oil on your face. It soothes any irritation that you have on your skin, which will lead to less oil being produced.


Drink water for healthy skin. Water is essential for eliminating all toxins from your body. As the skin is the largest organ in your body, it makes sense that water makes a big difference. If your skin is not properly hydrated, toxins will be eliminated through oil and perspiration on your face. Also, the face will produce more oil to compensate for the dehydration. It's recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Facial Acne Scar Treatment

Acne is troublesome when it crops up on your complexion, but it becomes a big hassle when it leaves a scar in its wake. Acne scars typically appear as red marks and tend to last weeks or even months after the original pimple has disappeared. Acne scars and associated skin discolorations are easily treatable with over-the-counter products. Does this Spark an idea?


The natural way to lighten and fade acne scars is by exfoliating. Exfoliating the skin sloughs off the top layer of skin cells and unearths the layer of skin directly underneath, which has the potential to be fresh and unmarred. Using a scrub that contains fine grains or gently rubbing the area with a dry skin brush are two methods of swiping away surface-level skin cells. Repeated exfoliation is typically necessary to completely rid acne scars. Exfoliate at least once a week until the scar fades.


Several over-the-counter peels are now available to help make acne scars disappear. Fading peels reduce the appearance of acne scars and decrease redness in scars. Fading peels usually contain a 2% salicylic acid or glycolic acid solution that fades scars and prevents future breakouts.

Salicylic acid is an effective acne and scar treatment because it weakens the bonds between skin cells and encourages exfoliation with very little risk of irritation. If you choose a peel with glycolic acid, it will help to stimulate collagen production in the underlying layers of skin, which will eventually emerge (with regular exfoliation) scar-free. Use the peel two to three times weekly for optimal results.

Spot Treatments

Acne spot treatments are formulated to fight pimples when they first appear, and also to help diminish post-acne scarring. These gels contain a 2% salicylic acid solution. To fade a pimple and prevent scarring, dab a bit of gel directly onto the pimple with a cotton swab before going to sleep. Avoid using your fingers, as this can transfer bacteria from your hands to the pimple, further irritating it. In the morning, wash your face. This will help to prevent scarring.

If scarring does occur, continue to apply the gel nightly to the affected area. In time, the gel works to fade the scar.


Microdermabrasion is a procedure performed by dermatologists and in medical spas that sweeps away the top layer of skin. Aluminum oxide or magnesium oxide crystals are blasted on the face with a machine. The microdermabrasion machine employs positive pressure to disperse the crystals and creates a vacuum-like suction effect to suck up the crystals. The machine also increases circulation throughout the procedure. Patients may feel a slight warming sensation during the procedure but should not feel pain. Only a dermatologist or a certified medical professional who give an expert opinion can determine if microdermabrasion is right for you.

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that swipes off the outer layer of skin cells where skin is scarred, and unveils a fresh layer of clear skin. It is typically performed in a dermatologists' office, a medical spa, or an outpatient surgical facility. During this procedure, a concentrated laser is directed at acne scars on the face. In the areas where the laser is pointed, surface layer skin cells are eliminated and, with it, the acne scar. A fresh, scar-free layer of skin emerges in the laser's wake. See your dermatologist for a professional medical opinion before considering laser resurfacing.

How to Care for Rasta Hair

Rasta, or Rastafarian, hair is more commonly referred to as dreadlocks. While Rasta hair is worn as a symbol of devotion, the wearing of dreadlocks is not limited to the Rastafarian culture. Examples of dreadlocks can be found in African, Asian and European cultures and more recently have been adopted as an acceptable fashion statement. Because dreadlocks are essentially intentional mats of hair, many people believe dreadlocks simply require not brushing your hair. However, neat and clean dreadlocks require a careful hair-care routine. Does this Spark an idea?

Make an appointment with a loctician --- someone who specializes in the making and care of dreadlocks. Whether you are just starting to grow dreadlocks or if you have had dreadlocks for years, a loctician can help refine your style and recommend the best care routine for your hair.

Use only products created for dreadlocks. Because dreadlocks are dense mats of hair, shampoo residue does not rinse away. Use a low-lather shampoo that rinses cleanly. In addition, use natural oils like olive, jojoba, or rosemary to condition the dreadlocks and prevent breakage.

Wash your dreads, but do so infrequently. It is a misconception that you should not wash dreadlocks. Unwashed dreadlocks smell, frizz, and break due to internal rotting. When first creating dreadlocks, you should only wash once a week. After the first three or four weeks, wash the dreadlocks as often as every other day or maintain a once-a-week regimen.

Establish a waxing routine. Dreadlocks maintain their shape through the careful application of beeswax. The wax holding dreadlocks together washes away over time. Dreadlocks should be re-waxed frequently to maintain a smooth look and reduce frizz. Mature dreadlocks only need to be waxed every-other week.

Palm roll the dreadlocks. Continue to palm roll each dreadlock in a clockwise direction after every washing. This will keep the dread tight and incorporate new hair as it grows out.

Give yourself a good scalp massage. Brushing hair regularly distributes oils along the hair shaft and removes dead skin. Since dreads cannot be brushed, rubbing the scalp encourages the production of natural oils that condition the scalp and help prevent dandruff.

Sleep in a silk scarf or head wrap to protect the dreadlocks. The slippery nature of silk allows hair to slide unlike the cotton of a pillow case. The silk protects the dreadlocks from unraveling and becoming frizzy as you toss and turn in your sleep. If you are a back sleeper, try an African head rest that supports the back of the head while leaving the hair unpinned.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Red, Tingly & Dry Skin

Red, tingly and dry skin could potentially be caused by a number of interesting things. Find out what it means if you have red, tingly and dry skin with help from a board-certified dermatologist with a private practice in New York City in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi, this is Dr. Debra Jaliman, a board certified dermatologist in New York City, and author of the book, Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist. Here to talk about red, peely, dry skin. This is a complaint I here many times from my patients, and the first question I have to ask is, what products are you using? Many people get into this problem because they're over using products. So, the first thing you want to look at is, what is your cleanser? Maybe you're using a very drying cleanser, that either is anti-bacterial, or has glycolic acid or salicylic acid. So, the first thing is, change to a mild cleanser. Look for a cleanser with glycerin or ceramides, or one that says it's super-fatted and is hydrating. The next thing you want to do is, look at your other products, maybe you're using a lot of products with acids. For example, with retinol in it, or with retinoids, or you're using a lot of salicylic acid products or benzoyl peroxide. And all these products are drying out your skin. Many people over use the products they have, it maybe that they're not using a lot of acids, but the acids they're using, they're using repetitively. So, I see patients that are using their acids, instead of once a day, they're using them twice a day. So, you may want to cut down on your products and use them less often, or just discontinue the products. And then, you can use moisturizers, look for moisturizers with hyaluronic acid, with glycerin. If you don't have oily skin and you tend toward a more dry, then you look for products with jojoba oil, you can look for avocado oil, you can look for shea butter. And that will add moisture to your skin. Also, cut down on the heat of the water that you're using to wash your face, especially in the shower and every time you wash your face. If you use very hot, steamy water, it'll dry your skin out. You can also put a humidifier in your bedroom, the humidifier will add moisture to your skin and will help to prevent it from drying out. The other thing is, when you dry your face, don't dry it vigorously, pat it dry because that'll help to preserve moisture in the skin and won't irritate the skin. The other thing is, don't use abrasive brushes and abrasive sponges. Many people I see, are using loofahs on their faces, they're over-exfoliating. Many people over-exfoliate with grains, for example, and over-dry their skin. So, you have to treat your skin delicately, you don't want to over scrub it like a pot, because that will really dry it out. So, those are some tips, so that you don't end up with over-dry, peely, red skin.