Wednesday, April 17, 2013

How to Cut a Pomapoo's Hair

The pomapoo is a designer bred dog and an intelligent, playful and family-friendly animal. A cross between a poodle and a Pomeranian, the pomapoo's coat can be either short and curly like the poodle, or soft and long like the Pomeranian. Either way, they will require regular grooming, as well as a trim if you are entering them in a dog show or the summer heat is making them uncomfortable.

Brush the pomapoo's coat and cut off any tangles that can't be brushed off. Give the dog another brushing, starting from the head down, and include the legs and chest. This will make it easier to cut the fur and help the pomapoo relax.

Cut the fur carefully with the hairdressing scissors, starting with the head, chest and undercoat, where there may be excess hair.

Hold the tail horizontally and cut the hair gently if it requires trimming. Take extra care because the tail is a very sensitive area. If the pomapoo has the characteristics of a poodle, the tail is unlikely to need much cutting.

Hold the dog's paws and cut any unwanted hair around each foot. Trim the nails, if required.

Cut excess hair in the ear with the nail scissors, but be careful since pomapoos have sensitive ears and the sound of the clipping may disturb them.
Give the dog a final brush and cut any uneven hair you missed.


- After the haircut, praise your dog and give it a dog treat. Dogs learn through praise; if your pomapoo associates getting a haircut with receiving a reward, it will make the hair-cutting experience easier.


- Pomapoos are generally good-natured dogs and were bred to be obedient and affectionate, but if they become aggravated or upset during the haircut, you should take a break and reassure them with praise before trying again.

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