Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Cut a Pom Chi's Hair

The Pom Chi is a cross-breed dog, the offspring of a Pomeranian and a Chihuahua. Pom Chis can vary in color as well as hair length. Pomeranians have long, fluffy hair and Chihuahuas can have long or short hair. The Pom Chi is a hybrid of both, with a fluffy mane that isn't as long as a Pomeranian's mane. The Pom Chi still needs to be groomed to keep it comfortable and its coat free of knots or debris. With a slicker brush and scissors, you can trim excess hair from the Pom Chi's mane, chest, head and paws.

Brush the Pom Chi's Coat

Brush the Pom Chi with a slicker brush to eliminate any tangles or knots. Take care not to pull too hard or you could hurt the dog. Brushing also helps prepare the coat for trimming.

Trim Around the Ears

Trim any excess hair around the Pom Chi's ears. Hold the tops of the ears with one hand and trim with the other hand to prevent accidentally cutting the ears. Trimming around the ears helps keep the Pom Chi from accumulating debris around the ear area, which could lead to an infection if any harmful materials get into the ears.

Trim the Chest Hair

Cut the Pom Chi's chest hair to your preferred length. Cut evenly and brush the hair after trimming so you can see how long it is and decide if you need to cut it further.

Trim Around the Paws

Cut any excess hair from around the paws with scissors. Hair around the paws can get long and trimming keeps long fur from catching on plants or other objects.

Cut Hair on the Head and Mane

Brush the Pom Chi's head hair forward and cut any excess hair. Trim the mane to a length you feel would be comfortable for the Pom Chi. This could mean allowing the hair to remain up 1 to 2-inches long in the summer time and leaving it longer, up to 2 1/2 to 3-inches long in the colder, winter months. Brush the Pom Chi once more with the slicker brush to get rid of any excess hair left from cutting.

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