Sunday, May 5, 2013

Natural Ways to Make Your Body Stop Producing Oil on Your Face

Oily skin is generally an issue caused by heredity and hormones. That is one reason why teenagers often suffer from oily skin and acne. However, it can continue to occur throughout life and come back with a vengeance during the hormonal shifts of menopause. The drawbacks of oily skin include acne, because the sebum can clog pores and lead to pimples. There are natural ways to make your body stop producing oil on your face. The effectiveness will depend upon your own genetics and skin. Does this Spark an idea?

Face Masks

Regular use of face masks can make your body stop producing excess oil on your face. When shopping for masks to use, it's important to pay attention to the ingredients. Clay masks are ideal for use on oily skin. Facial mud masks are another choice. The ingredients of clay and mud absorb excess oil and keep your skin from producing excess amounts. Use the face mask twice per week, at the most, because it can be harsh for your skin. If you use harsh ingredients on your skin, it can actually increase the oil production.


Take supplements daily that improve the skin. Even if you eat a balanced diet, vitamin supplements can benefit your skin. In addition to a daily multi-vitamin, take a vitamin B complex. Vitamin B helps create and maintain healthy skin. Evening primrose oil is a supplement that can decrease oil production on your face. Oil production is influenced by hormones, so balancing those hormones will naturally lead to less oil. Evening primrose oil balances those hormones in women.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a natural ingredient that will make your skin produce less oil. Either use the gel that comes directly from an aloe vera plant, or purchase the gel at a drugstore. If you buy it, make sure that it's pure aloe vera gel. It is a natural healer that clears out your pores and absorbs the oil on your face. It soothes any irritation that you have on your skin, which will lead to less oil being produced.


Drink water for healthy skin. Water is essential for eliminating all toxins from your body. As the skin is the largest organ in your body, it makes sense that water makes a big difference. If your skin is not properly hydrated, toxins will be eliminated through oil and perspiration on your face. Also, the face will produce more oil to compensate for the dehydration. It's recommended to drink at least eight glasses of water per day.

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