Friday, May 3, 2013

Red, Tingly & Dry Skin

Red, tingly and dry skin could potentially be caused by a number of interesting things. Find out what it means if you have red, tingly and dry skin with help from a board-certified dermatologist with a private practice in New York City in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi, this is Dr. Debra Jaliman, a board certified dermatologist in New York City, and author of the book, Skin Rules: Trade Secrets from a Top New York Dermatologist. Here to talk about red, peely, dry skin. This is a complaint I here many times from my patients, and the first question I have to ask is, what products are you using? Many people get into this problem because they're over using products. So, the first thing you want to look at is, what is your cleanser? Maybe you're using a very drying cleanser, that either is anti-bacterial, or has glycolic acid or salicylic acid. So, the first thing is, change to a mild cleanser. Look for a cleanser with glycerin or ceramides, or one that says it's super-fatted and is hydrating. The next thing you want to do is, look at your other products, maybe you're using a lot of products with acids. For example, with retinol in it, or with retinoids, or you're using a lot of salicylic acid products or benzoyl peroxide. And all these products are drying out your skin. Many people over use the products they have, it maybe that they're not using a lot of acids, but the acids they're using, they're using repetitively. So, I see patients that are using their acids, instead of once a day, they're using them twice a day. So, you may want to cut down on your products and use them less often, or just discontinue the products. And then, you can use moisturizers, look for moisturizers with hyaluronic acid, with glycerin. If you don't have oily skin and you tend toward a more dry, then you look for products with jojoba oil, you can look for avocado oil, you can look for shea butter. And that will add moisture to your skin. Also, cut down on the heat of the water that you're using to wash your face, especially in the shower and every time you wash your face. If you use very hot, steamy water, it'll dry your skin out. You can also put a humidifier in your bedroom, the humidifier will add moisture to your skin and will help to prevent it from drying out. The other thing is, when you dry your face, don't dry it vigorously, pat it dry because that'll help to preserve moisture in the skin and won't irritate the skin. The other thing is, don't use abrasive brushes and abrasive sponges. Many people I see, are using loofahs on their faces, they're over-exfoliating. Many people over-exfoliate with grains, for example, and over-dry their skin. So, you have to treat your skin delicately, you don't want to over scrub it like a pot, because that will really dry it out. So, those are some tips, so that you don't end up with over-dry, peely, red skin.

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