Sunday, April 21, 2013

How to Cut Hair for Toddlers

The inability for many toddlers to sit still for long periods of time, as well as many children having fears associated with scissors, can make cutting your toddler's hair challenging. While going to a professional who is experienced in handling rambunctious toddlers may be tempting, it can also be an additional expense that you can't afford. With some practice and patience, you should be able to learn how to cut your toddler's hair while helping to alleviate their fears.

Gather all of the equipment you will need for cutting your toddler's hair ahead of time, and place it in a location that is easily reachable from where you will be working.

Drape a towel around your toddler's shoulders with the hair on top of the towel. Spray the hair with water to get it wet. Once the hair is wet, spray it with a detangler that is specifically made for children.

Comb your toddler's hair gently, parting the hair evenly along the center of the scalp to get an even haircut. Section off the hair with clips to keep hair you are not working with out of your way. Working in sections prevents the need to re-do steps as your toddler moves and messes up her hair.

Cut hair from front to back since your toddler will likely be the most still during the beginning of the hair cut. Cut the bangs first, using one hand to hold your toddler's head still.

Use your fingers as guides by holding them at the length that you will be cutting your toddler's hair. Make small, even snips below your fingers. Continue this step until all of the hair is cut and even.


- Have your toddler sit in front of a TV or mirror as you cut.

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