Normal skin is shiny, a little oily, and the cheeks are dry. Learn about normal to oily skin and how to care for normal skin in this free video from a licensed medical aesthetician.
Video Transcript
Hi, my name is Mary Thinnes I am a skin care expert. I will be discussing the first skin type out of the four. The first one is normal to oily skin. Normal skin ninety seven percent of the population has normal skin and by normal skin I mean the T zone which it runs from the forehead down the nose to the chin and is shiny and generally a little oily or oily and the cheeks are dry. So a lot of times its the skin type that can be deceiving because most people a lot of times will misinterpret it and think its oily skin where as its really normal skin. So it is very important to determine that either your T zone is oily and your cheeks are dry. Then you do have normal skin. Normal skin generally has normal size pores to there not to large not to small. Although they can tent to be a little larger along the T zone on the nose area. Generally to without the use of cosmetics or the blotting pads generally speaking by ten o'clock in the morning the shine does come through if someone is trying to mask that with powder or any kind of cosmetics. With out the use of the blotting pads by ten o'clock in the morning like I said the shine will generally come back through and the cheeks will still remain dry. So that would be how you determine the normal skin type.
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