Monday, April 15, 2013

What Causes Oily Skin?

Oily skin can be caused by genetics or by stripping the skin of natural oils through the use of salicylic acid or exfoliants. Control oily skin by using a hydrating moisturizer that is free of oil with help from a makeup artist in this free video on skin care.

Video Transcript

Hi. I'm Kelly and I am an aesthetician and makeup artist from Ulta Line cosmetics. And I'm going to tell you what causes oily skin. There's a couple of different factors. First thing is genetics. You are born with your skin type so whether you're dry, oily, combination or normal you're born with that type. So people who are truly oily skins are born oily skins and nothing you can do to get rid of that but you can definitely control it. Another thing that will cause oily skin is if you're using too many stripping ingredients. If you're using say a lot of Salicylic acid trying to treat acne or just over exfoliating basically what happens then is you're stripping your skin of all of its natural oils and it basically tricks your skin into thinking its dry so in turn your skin then produces more oil. The easiest thing to do use a really great hydrating moisturizer that's oil free water based. And that's going to balance oil and water ratio in the skin. See you see it's a really light weight moisturizer that just soaks right in. Plus it has modifying properties to it. So those are some of the causes of oily skin.

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