Look carefully at advertisements and you will notice almost every major watchmaker displaying the time as 10 past 10 on their products. The reason for doing so may not be widley known, but the practice actually has several advantages. Does this Spark an idea?
What Are The Benefits?
Watchmakers believe that 10 past 10 is the most aesthetically pleasing time to display. Swatch, one of the largest watch manufacturers in the world, says the image reminds people of a happy, smiling face. Displaying this time also reveals the manufacturer's emblem, which is normally just above the centre of the dial.
Who Was The First?
Timex is widely regarded as the first watchmaker to standardize its displays in this way. The company explained that it wanted to ensure that everyone could see its logo; however, it has now claimed a more psychological role in attracting customers. Whilst Timex used this as standard from the 1950s, examples of other manufacturers using 10 past 10 date as far back as 1926 (The Hamilton Watch Company).
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