Tuesday, April 16, 2013

How to Make a Natural Astringent for Oily Skin

Oily skin is characterized by medium or large pores and a shiny appearance caused by overactive sebaceous glands. Oily skin is not necessarily prone to acne, but pores can become clogged easily. The best care routine for oily skin consists of mild cleansing, toning and moisturizing. Store-bought astringents are toners used to remove excess oil. However, most of these contain isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol and other harsh chemicals that strip skin of its vitality. An easy solution is to make your own natural astringent at home. Does this Spark an idea?

Heat 2 cups of purified water on the stove top to about 180 degrees Fahrenheit. It should be steaming hot but not boiling.

Pour the hot water over the tea bags in a large bowl. Let them brew for two minutes. Discard the tea bags and pour the tea into the empty bottle.

Add the witch hazel to the bottle, close the lid and shake to mix thoroughly.

Refrigerate until the solution cools. Keep it refrigerated between uses.


- Apply astringent to your face with a clean cotton ball, using gentle circular motions to remove excess oil.

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