Thursday, April 11, 2013

Oily Skin Is Peeling in Dry, Cold Weather

Skin has a tendency to peel in weather that is both dry and cold at the same time. Find out what to do if your oily skin is peeling in dry, cold weather with help from a board-certified dermatologist with a private practice in New York City in this free video clip.

Video Transcript

Hi. This is Doctor Debra Jaliman, a board certified dermatologist in New York City and author of the book, "Skin Rules Trade Secrets From A Top New York Dermatologist," here to discuss oily skin in dry cold weather. Many people think because they have oil ski, they don't need to use a moisturizer. And I find when the weather changes you need to change your products. So many with oil skin use very drying products to dry out their oil skin. But when winter weather comes, and it gets colder you need to change your products. So you may want to change to a mild cleanser that has glycerine or that has ceramides you won't dry your skin out. The other thing you can do is to add a non-comedogenic moisturizer. So you can add a moisturizer that says non-comedogenic. What that means is that it won't block your pours but it will add moisture to the skin so that your skin won't be dry. So you can add for example a gel or a lotion. You don't have to add a heavy cream or you can even add a serum. So you could add a light layer to your skin. Look for something like hyaluronic acid or you can use glycerine, because it won't block the pours but it will hydrate your skin. You can use a light layer of this or you can even use it in your SPF in the morning, in your sunscreen to hydrate your skin. That way you can have oily skin that won't have the dry patches. The other think you can do is you can use a humidifier when you sleep. That will add moisture to the dry air and will help hydrate your skin. When you take a shower don't take a very hot steamy shower because that will also dry out your skin. So those are some tips so you won't dry out your oily skin.

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