Monday, April 15, 2013

How to Help Oily Skin

Oily skin is caused by over-productive sebaceous glands, also known as oil glands. Help oily skin with tips from a beauty editor in this free video on skin care.

Video Transcript

Over-productive sebaceous glands or oil glands are responsible for oily skin. What may seem like a curse at first, may actually be a blessing because oily skin generally are slower to show lines and wrinkles. I'm Jackie Silver with how to help oily skin. People with oily skin may be more prone to breakouts, but there are a few simple steps to minimize them. Wash your face with a foamy cleanser and warm water. Not too hot. Don't use soap. That'll make the problem worse. Use a cleanser formulated for oily or combination skin. Use a good toner two or three times a week. Finish with an oil-free moisturizer. For extra protection, use a clay mask about once a week also. Drink plenty of water. And remember to stay out of the sun. Remember to help oily skin, use a foamy cleanser specially formulated for oily or combination skin. Use a good toner. Try a clay mask once or twice a week. Drink plenty of water and moisturize with an oil-free product. I'm Jackie Silver with how to help oily skin. Have a beautiful day.

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